Tuesday, 2 July 2024

The face of globalist oppression in NZ

Dr Diana Sarfati is the globalist puppet who is forcing NZ councils to poison their residents.

Director General of Health, Dr Diana Sarfati, is forcing all NZ councils to fluoridate their residents or face a fine of $200,000 plus $10,000 per day, amounting to over $3,000,000 via their rates if they do not do what she says.
This is why we need to expose this mass poisoning.

Fluoride Free Awareness Month

For the first time, FLUORIDE FREE NZ are embarking on a Fluoride Free Awareness Month.


We hope to enlist as many people as possible to commit to posting one item about fluoride on any social media outlet every day for the whole month. By having a concerted effort to spread the evidence about water fluoridation, more people will become informed and concerned about it.

It turns out that Dr Diana Sarfati's (Director-General of Health) threats to enforce huge fines on councils who don't comply to her unlawful demand to add fluoridation chemicals to local water supplies may have been nothing more than HOT AIR.


In a court hearing on Wednesday, the lawyer for the DG advised the judge that there was no indication the DG was intending to enforce any fines on non-compliant councils. We believe this is a tacit commitment from Sarfati not to embark on enforcement, at least not until the Bill of Rights analysis has been completed. Even after that we do not believe that she would be able to enforce any fines until the legal case by New Health New Zealand has been completed.


See the FFNZ press release for more detail.