Sunday 21 July 2024


 The evidence against fluoride is overwhelming, but the corruption at government and council level in NZ, as with covid, is also overwhelming. Keep on exposing all of this health misinformation!


White spots on child’s teeth – first outward sign of fluoride poisoning
If you or your child have white spots on the teeth, or the tips of your teeth have white marks, this is probably a condition called dental fluorosis.

The only way a person gets dental fluorosis is from being exposed to too much fluoride as the teeth are developing. This is the first outward sign of that over-exposure. It means the person is showing an outward sign of fluoride poisoning. The Ministry of Health, on the other hand, claims that dental fluorosis is “only cosmetic”.

Take this analogy: Burton’s line is a distinctive, thin, blue-purplish line that appears along the margin of the gums, at the base of the teeth, in individuals with chronic lead poisoning. The Burton line is a valuable diagnostic tool for identifying cases of chronic lead poisoning. No one would say that Burton’s Line is “only cosmetic”! Dental fluorosis should be seen as a valuable diagnostic tool for identifying cases of chronic fluoride poisoning.

In New Zealand the Ministry of Health’s (MoH) last report, the 2009 Oral Health Survey, that looked into dental fluorosis rates, said that around 40% of children had some form of dental fluorosis. They said that it was the same rate in fluoridated and nonfluoridated areas. However, much more thorough New Zealand studies have found about twice the rate of dental fluorosis in fluoridated areas compared to nonfluoridated areas (30% vs 15%).

We have a serious problem in this country when so many children are showing the first outward sign of being poisoned by the neurotoxin, fluoride. Our public health officials should be ALARMED.

Watch short video clip on dental fluorosis.
