Wednesday, 12 February 2025

I Can Prove That The Earth Is Round

 Sally Fallon's post exposing the flat earth psyop is a great summary of why this misinformation is being promoted to discredit the alternative health movement. As usual the comments on her post came thick and fast from angry and certain flat earthers, whose lives seem to be obsessed with defending their position. This in itself is a major red flag. Who is paying them to spend hours online relentlessly pushing the flat earth story?

I Can Prove That The Earth Is Round

For the past thirty years I’ve been involved in the field of nutrition and health; much of my work has had to do with debunking firmly held beliefs in the field—such as the premise that cholesterol-lowering drugs prevent heart attacks or that consumption of animal fats causes chronic disease.

Since these dictates are obvious propaganda created by the industries that benefit from selling us drugs and industrial seed oils—true conspiracies foisted on the world’s population, with tragic consequences–I am perhaps more likely than the average person to take other “conspiracy theories” seriously.

I have therefore perused the memes and websites of those who claim the earth is flat.  What concerns me is the fact that some very intelligent people in our field have endorsed flat-earthism, and I smell a rat.  Should flat-earthism infiltrate the natural health movement, our opponents will have a perfect reason to dismiss everything we stand for.  I can already hear it: “These butter-eating virus-deniers believe the earth is flat. . . how can we believe a word they say!”

Let’s go over some of the main flat-earther arguments, and then I’ll get to the proof.

 If the earth were a spinning ball, the water in our oceans, lakes, etc. would fly off into the atmosphere. If that were so, then no one could drink a cup of water on an airplane traveling at almost six hundred miles per hour.  If there were turbulence, then the water in your cup would slosh about, and if the airplane accelerated or decelerated rapidly, then the water would indeed fly out of the cup, but on a smooth flight water stays level in the cup.  Our oceans stay put because the earth is spinning at a constant speed.  We learned this principle in high school physics.

No one has seen the curvature of the earth. Not true. My father saw the curvature of the earth on a flight in the Concorde.  You can’t see it from the windows very well because they are so small.  But he was invited to the cockpit where he could clearly see the curvature of the earth—it was almost a mystical experience for him, as it has been for others. See here and here.  And here’s a view of the earth’s curvature from a high-altitude weather balloon.

You can see the Chicago skyline at a distance of 56 miles, from across Lake Michigan. On the top is the photograph the flat-earthers like to show:

Flat Earth view of Chicago skyline with a closer view of Chicago skyline below

Compare this with the close-up view of the skyline on the bottom and it is clear that you are not seeing the whole Chicago skyline from 56 miles away, only the upper half of the buildings.  The lower half is hidden below the curvature of the earth.  Also note that the camera man is taking this shot from an elevation higher than the man on the right.  From that height, he can see a lot further. If his camera were at water level, he’d probably see nothing of the Chicago skyline.

Here’s a great shot of the Toronto skyline from a distance.  It’s clear that the lower parts of the enormous buildings are hidden by the earth’s curvature.

Toronto skyline

The entire edge of Antarctica is a wall of ice. Parts of Antarctica do indeed resemble a wall of ice, but other areas have varied landscapes, including, in the summer, bare ground.

The United Nations logo shows a map of a flat earth, therefore the earth is flat. Of course, the logo does not prove the earth is flat, but it may indicate a desire to return to the days when the common man believed in a flat earth; those were the days when people were subject to the dictates of the aristocracy and the church, and we had no safeguards for individual rights.

United Nations logo

The moon landing was faked, therefore the earth is flat. There’s plenty of evidence to indicate that the moon landing was faked, but that’s not because the earth is flat; it’s because at the time, we did not have the technology to get a man to the moon and back alive. Nor do we have the technology today. The best evidence for this is the fact that no other country has gotten a man to the moon either, even after 55 years of technological improvements.

The image of the earth taken from the moon, as a ball in space, is faked—of course it’s faked, since we didn’t go to the moon.

There are no flights from Johannesburg (South Africa) to Santiago (tip of Chile) because the earth is flat, making distances much further in the southern “hemisphere.” The real reason there are no flights is because there is so little demand for them.

These arguments are not going to convince die-hard flat-earthers. After all, photos can be faked and people do lie.

Here’s the actual proof that the earth is round: the flight from Auckland, New Zealand to Sydney, Australia takes about 3 ½ hours. That’s a fact. I’ve taken this flight several times, as have millions of other travelers. The distance is about 1350 miles, a bit less than the distance from Washington, DC to Denver, as you can see on the map below.

World Map of Earth

If you draw a line between Auckland and Sydney on a flat earth map (below), and then place a line of the same distance on the U.S.A, the line will be longer than the distance between Washington, DC and San Francisco, that is about three thousand miles, requiring a flight of over 7 hours.

Top-down view of Earth map

A spherical earth is the only way to explain the fact that the flight from Auckland to Sydney takes 3 ½ hours.

We have a lot of important work to do in the health and nutrition movement.  Let’s not subject ourselves to ridicule by endorsing the notion that the earth is flat.